Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Wow! Is this actually going to let me start writing my own blog? It's been how many years since I created it? So I am now experimenting. Let's see. . .Groundhog Day, 2010. Must be my lucky day. Just think of all the adventures you have missed with me.

My new for today adventure is that I finally admitted to myself that I cannot plan furniture and drapes for my living room by myself, so I hired a design consultant to come out and look things over. She is a wonderful lady who happens to have a much greater vision of what my house might look like if I were to actually do something about it, so, needless to say, she suggested lots of things that I had never even thought of, like the front entry. As I said to her, "I really never thought of that space as a room," and she assured me that if I papered it, it would bring out all sorts of architectural details (that I probably also never thought of) and that wallpaper is coming back, and will be very "in" in a season or two. I also never thought of recarpeting my upstairs steps or repainting what could end up being several rooms, in addition to furnishing my living room.

The other thing is, I am sure I am almost finished unknitting my lightweight pullover for the second time. Apparently I was using the wrong kind of make one stitch technique, so, once I am through ripping back, I am going to sink a lifeline (also a new concept) and start knitting forward again.

Then I am going to work on my Christmas cards, from last year. However, in the midst of all this procrastinating I did manage to unpack at least 6 boxes from our recent (ok, it was 16 months ago) move, and reorganize the stacks of boxes in my laundry room. I was getting tired of trying to find paths around them and not being able to open the storage lockers.

Well, that was enough for one day of writing. Check back soon.


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